The Voice of Mother Blossom
Cultivating Wisdom, Beauty, and Joy Through Gardening

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Knowing the soil matters. This is a gardener with a shovel digging in dirt.

Knowing Your Soil Matters

Land is not merely soil, it is a fountain of energy flowing through a circuit of soils, plants and animals. -Aldo Leopold

Soil composition is VERY important. Seeds that land on good soil take hold and grow.

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Knowing the soil matters. This is a gardener with a shovel digging in dirt.

Knowing Your Soil Matters

Land is not merely soil, it is a fountain of energy flowing through a circuit of soils, plants and animals. -Aldo Leopold

Soil composition is VERY important. Seeds that land on good soil take hold and grow.

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White Tailed deer fawn stands near flowers in a garden

Oh, Deer!

We love to see them at a distance…. but when the deer are up close in our flower beds, munching away… well that’s just not okay!!

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Bring in Some Yellow

Yellow is often associated with happiness, positivity, and energy. Adding yellow flowers or foliage can instantly brighten up your garden, creating a cheerful atmosphere that uplifts the mood of anyone who

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white flower on water

Aquatic Opulence

I was truly mesmerized on a summer trip to Longwood Gardens, where I got to see up close and personal the lily floating in a big tub of water. I stood in amazement for what must have been 20 minutes. I learned that every part of the plant has thorns except the platter part… that knowledge commands a new respect. Especially as I took a closer look!

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